Friday, August 22, 2014

The Final Chapter

I would like to thank everybody that has been following my blog and checking up on my recent trip to Europe. The trip has opened up my eyes to a whole new world including things such as food, culture and overall living style. I was able to get the best of both worlds experiencing basketball on a whole new level along with sites and sounds from across the Atlantic. Those sights and sounds will be with me for a very long time and I am thankful for the opportunity given to me by Drew Dawson and Roy Blumenthal with Global Sports Academy.

Basketball is a lot of fun when you can play along side a group of guys that are unselfish and knowledgeable about making winning plays all the time. It is crazy how a group of strangers can transform into a group of friends in less than ten days. I swear I might have slept less than 20 hours the entire trip. Coach Jordan Watson did a great job showing us another side to the game of basketball and how hard work and the right attitude can lead to great things. In the past nine days I have gained over a dozen friends and a thousand memories that will be instilled in my mind forever. The game of basketball has given me the opportunity to explore places I have only seen on the internet or heard about in school. I truly feel like I have gained more knowledge about Europe in the past nine days than I have in the past nine years going through classrooms and book assignments that I dread completing.

I feel like this experience has allowed me to expand my knowledge on the entire world. It has also given me a sense of refreshment and new found excitement for the game of basketball and bringing a consistent overall winning attitude everyday in whatever it is that you love to do.

The future holds whatever you fill it with so thanks again to everyone for following along!

- Zach Monaghan 

1 comment:

  1. What an excellent adventure you had Zach! Loved your blog...together with this and the video I got a real sense of your trip. Congratulations to your team winning all seven games over the pond! So proud of you and happy that you'll be able to carry these memories your whole life! Have a great senior year!
    Mrs. Sacco
